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Leading edge processing can be defined as an engineering technology that adopts new technology or a technology combines multidisciplinary fields—a new processing technology breaks the limits of traditional manufacturing by adopting newly developed tools or methodologies.  Moreover, the new technology includes the traditional manufacturing process added in precise on-line measurement, synchronizing control and numerical analysis prediction to enhance the precision and additional values These new technologies could applied to large-scale processing such as hot and cold rolling thermo-control of steel or special alloy industries and forging process; they also could use to micro/naro devices include the systems of NEMS, IC and MEMS Packaging, and opto-electric device.  The breakthrough on traditional manufacturing process includes tiny manufacturing process such as precise micro manufacturing; and solid fricition stir processing is also a kind of processing that subverts tradition.


Our center basically is composed of a group of professors of Department of Mechanical Engineering of NCCU and other experts specialize in steel roll bonding technology and alloy forging. The R&D group works basing on senior professors with the assistance of burgeoning professors and scholars and also recruits those who are specialized in relevant fields as consulting group. Within the center there are Director, Vice-Director, Section Chief, Project Specialists, Technical Experts and General Assistants. There is still Committee of Advising Consultant, consisting of the professors of NCCU and the experts of China Steel and other industries to examine and guide the developing strategies and researching direction of the center. Temporarily four sections of center are set up in accordance with their functions—Rolling and Forging Processing Section, New Technical Processing Section, Industrial Technologies and Intellectual Property Service Section, and Continuing Education Section; diverse technical sections will be added according to later requirements. The research sections are all composed of senior and prime professors and scholars, project specialists, post-doctorate researchers, master and Ph. D students. (click)


Recently China Steel strives for the research and development of high quality steel such as TMCP steel, high-tensile steel, high efficiency electric silicon steel and special stainless steel to support the demand of leading edge market.  The precise temperature control and combined numerical computation will be added into hot rolling steel process to accurately predict the conditions of deformation, the change of temperature and microstructure; then raising the rolling of steel as a new leading edge processing.  China Steel considers that it’s necessary to adopt the research and development resources of domestic academics and cooperate with them to have long-term research and development.  Therefore, the principles of “Setting the Centers of R & D in steel Technology with Domestic Universities” are passed in China Steel, which establish the basic principles of setting research centers within campus.  National Chung Cheng University has cooperated with China Steel for several years, engaging in “R& D in Advanced Hot Rolling Process and Stimulating Tools”—the effects have been noticed.  Basing on such effects, China Steel decides to set up research center in NCCU to establish long-term cooperation relationship between each other, which helps the development of leading edge processing technologies such as steel hot and cold rolling and alloy rolling.  The fields of R&D can also spread to steel-related downstream industries and leading edge products.

Upon the chance and foundation as above mentioned, China Steel and NCCU plan to integrate the multidisciplined experts and scholars of leading edge processing in nearby areas to establish “Leading Edge Processing Rolling and Forging Technology Research Center,” patronized by China Steel in early stages.  The center first aims at the research of steel roll bonding technology to establish a distinguishing research group, and then gathering related resources from diverse fields to widen the power of R&D and assist industries in developing the leading edge technologies and products that are product-oriented.  Finally the additional values could be raised and the traditional manufacturing process could also move on to a new stage to achieve the goals of elevating the technical levels of related industries and getting beyond the international levels.

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